Family Search Probate records for Balitmore County/City

The lists/indexes included here somewhat overlap the documents listed in the "Helper for Probate Records". I am working to consolidate the lists.

Access to Probate records is confused by the split between the City and County in 1851, resulting in splitting of records and, in most cases, the beginning of new numbers at "1" for Books. Family Search has further confused the issue by sometimes mixing up the records, and by providing lists of documents online in alphabetical order of some unknown field rather than a logical or chronological order.

Probate documents include the following categories (list and dates taken from Film 102154270, which is an overall list of books):

  • Wills (BA County, Books 1-361, 1695-1921)
  • Petitions (BA County, Books 1-530, begining - 1929)
  • Inventories (BA County, Books 1-690, 1676-1924)
  • Administration accounts (BA County, Books 1-460, beginning in 1929)
  • Account of Sales (BA County, Books 1-225, 1789-1921)
  • Releases (BA County, Books 1-231, 1800-1822)
  • Guardian account (BA County, 1-131, 1787-1920)
  • Guardian Bonds (BA County, Books 1-36, 1777-1928)
  • Administration Bonds (BA County, Books 1-196, beginning in 1929)
  • Indentures (BA County, none listed)
  • Renunciations (BA County, Books 1-19, 1803-1922)

The FS number link goes to the original Family Search list. The "Link to local list" provides a simplified (and smaller file) with all the needed info and the extraneous stuff removed, and with the entries put into logical order.

DescriptionYearsFS number (link)NotesLink to local list
Provincial (Prerogative Court)
Wills, books 1-411635-1777 259693link
Accounts, index + books 1-741718-1777 264182link
Inventories (estates), books 1-1261718-1777 262734link
Inventories and account of estates, books 1-391674-1718265626link
Testamentary proceedings, books 1-471657-1777265656link
Provincial Court Judgements, books 1-641679-1778 271666link
Wills, Index + Liber 1-241666-1851148279link
Inventories, Index + Liber 1-631666-1850410925link
Administration Accounts, Index, Liber 1-551631-1850408271Not available onlinelink
Guardian bonds Liber 1-111777-1852408735link
Guardian accounts Liber 1-231786-1850408672
Administration bonds, Liber 1-201721-1852408744link
Orphans Court, Index, Liber 1-251777-1857419386link
County and City/or Unknown
Probate inventories1666-19511911410link
Administration and accounts, petitions1666-19572106005link
Probate dockets and proceedings1777-19471911421link
Probate guardianships and indentures1777-19512831951link
Estate papers1852-1880
Probate case files Boxes 1-1601908-19422841227link
Probate releases and renunciations1803-19401911420link
Real estate records1932-19431911428link