SE151, County Death index, 1973-2014Archives files SE151 provide a good index to deaths in all counties for the period 1973-2014. The following provides a guide for the codes used in the index. The user should first download and save the files (about 2-4 MB each) and then open them in Acrobat Reader. Sex: 1 = male, 2 = female, 9 = not checked Race: 1 = white, 2 = non-white, 9 = not checked County: 1 = Allegany, 2 = Anne Arundel, 3 = Baltimore County, 4 = Calvert, 5 = Caroline, 6 = Carroll, 7 = Cecil, 8 = Charles, 9 = Dorchester, 10 = Frederick, 11 = Garrett, 12 = Harford, 13 = Howard, 14 = Kent, 15 = Montgomery, 16 = Prince George's, 17 = Queen Anne's, 18 = St. Mary's, 19 = Somerset, 20 = Talbot, 21 = Washington, 22 = Wicomico, 23 = Worcester, 30 = Baltimore City (This is confusing, since many other indexes use "4" for Baltimore City.) |